Just this month Tovuti founder and CEO Troy McClain has already been featured in two national publications, UpJourney and CBNation.  

McClain, also an award-winning international trainer and motivation speaker, was featured in UpJourney’s article “How to Become a Motivational Speaker, According to 20 People Who Did It.”

In the article, McClain urges people to get into motivational speaking for the right reasons and when they get their shot to be authentic: “Anyone can be motivational,” he said, “but only a few can motivate with authenticity.”

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In the next article from CBNation, McClain is featured among 29 other entrepreneurs as they explain why they started their businesses. McClain describes the minute he got the idea for Tovuti. In his case, it just happened to be on national TV during Season 1 of The Apprentice when Donald Trump fired him for a “lack of education.”

Unlike his competitors on the show, McClain didn’t have the opportunity to go to college. But, it didn’t keep him from gaining the knowledge and developing the skills necessary to become a world-class entrepreneur.

As McClain says in the article: “The mission behind Tovuti is to use software to increase access to education, whether it’s traditional education, workplace training programs or alternative forms of education like mastermind training, continuing education, etc.”

A big thanks to both UpJourney and CBNation for including us in their articles.